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Ok, I don't think I'll make my summer deadline. My ambitions are too high, and I want Celerity to be the best game it can be. That, and I've met someone who's mere existence has ripped apart my fragile disciplined schedule, so I've been spending much of my time with her.

One thing she has done for the project is help me create an Instagram page for this game. Here's the link to that:

I'll be posting semi-regular status reports there rather than youtube, since it takes a little less effort that way.

Download the latest build now, and tell me what you think :]

0.12 OUT NOW

 - added water

 - buffed the thrust

 - buffed air acceleration on the board, so it's the same as its land acceleration, as well as running air acceleration

 - main menu

 - fixed some bugs in the options menu

(NRG tracker is broken now. I don't know why. wasn't broken in the editor I swear)

i like the way the spacebar

its very good

0.11 OUT NOW
 - I think I skipped a version but whatever
 - spruced up the map, added some elements, made some textures

 - animated the player a bit better, and modelled the whole body

 - broke the lighting. no more shadows. I don't know what happened.

 - sound for airkick

 - started level 2, very bare bones right now but a lot of fun (inaccesible in this build)

 I want level 2 to be in a playable state for the next build, as well as a hub area/main menu so you can traverse between them. There are also more animations than those that are currently implemented right now, but putting them in might take a while, so not a huge priority. They'll all be in by the time the game is done.

I released a devlog in the form of a video, link here:

As stated in the video, I want the game to be finished by the end of this summer (meaning August). I'm going back to school in the fall, so I want to be done with Celerity before then so I can focus on school. then I can work on its sequel (maybe). I had some pretty high ambitions for my first game, but I think its time to reign some of those in so I can finish the game and be proud of it for real.

I'm gonna update the Trello board with the stuff I'm actually going to put in the game (link should be somewhere on this page).

0.09 OUT NOW
 - added options menu that SAVES your data onto disk (crazy right?)

(2 edits)

0.08 OUT NOW
 - better mouselook
 - better collectables
 - better sounds and particles

 - made collectibles
 - added thrust ability (bound to left-click)
 - made some particle systems better

0.05 OUT NOW
 - added a bunch of models to spruce up the map
 - added a SuperJump and Thrust to the move set
 - a bunch of little tweaks to wall running

0.04 OUT NOW

 - added a pause menu and some HUD elements to explain a bit about the game and allow you to close it

- changed how wall running works by making walls identified by their planes rather than their game objects

0.03 OUT NOW!!!
 - buffed carving to be a bit more effective
 - added particles around player while they're going past the "top speed"
 - added slope friction so player no longer slides down slopes when not on the skateboard
 - overhauled the function that tests when the player is on the ground to be more consistent